Blog, Reviews

Phone Apps Pt.3

The final App that i am going to tell you about is a must have for breastfeeding mumma’s that like to have a drink every once in awhile it is called Feedsafe.

This App is brought to you by The Australian Breastfeeding Association and they make it very clear that they do not condone drinking but if you must then this is a guide.

You enter your weight and height and it is calculated on a standard drink so you must know what a standard drink is.

They have loads of information to educate you on what is best for your bubba and how alcohol works in relation to breast milk. I found it quite interesting and thought it great as there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding breast milk.

One of the things i learn’t is that alcohol enters and leaves breast milk in much the same way as it does blood so basically if you are safe to drive then you are safe to breastfeed, due to this there is no need to pump and dump you would just be wasting perfectly good breast milk.


If you missed it here is a link to Pt.1 –

& Pt.2 –


Our Breastfeeding Journey Pt.3

The First 6 Months

Our first 6mths of breastfeeding was not at all what i expected and not a great experience.

I look back now and i don’t believe DD was latching properly which meant her feeds went for approximately 40 mins and she would want to feed every 3 hours from the start of her last feed, as you can imagine i just felt like a cow most of the time. Another reason i believe now that she wasn’t latching properly was because my nipples felt quite tender and sometimes sore which apparently shouldn’t happen if bubba is latching properly.

This six months also included a few bouts of thrush and mastitis twice. None of these were serious but they did make the whole situation even more unpleasant.

I can understand why some mumma’s give up on breastfeeding. There really is not enough support available to breastfeeding mumma’s and with so many negative attitudes it is no wonder that only 15% of babies are breastfed beyond 3 months.

The one thing that made me hang in there and not give up was the Facebook group – Australian Breastfeeding Project there is so much support and encouragement within this group that it made me determined to stick it out for as long as possible and around 6mths is when it all turned around for us , DD started latching properly which meant feeds only lasted approximating 8mins, i no longer had any pain and when i started to love breastfeeding.

Find Pt.1 here-

Pt.2 here-


Our Breastfeeding Journey Pt.2

The First Week After DD Was Born

Shortly after DD was born the midwife placed her on my naked chest to encourage her to latch and sure enough she did and i thought to myself ‘Woo Hoo no latching problems this will be a breeze’ how wrong i was.

We were moved to the ward fairly quickly and shortly after a nurse came in and suggested i feed DD, i had so much trouble getting her to latch in the end the nurse put her on for me but she wouldn’t stay on for long so we ended up hand expressing and feeding DD with a syringe. This nurse was fantastic and assisted me to get DD latched for all of her shift, after shift change i was not so lucky and this nurse would just tell me what to do and leave which was of no help so i mostly just fed DD with a syringe. On our second day the day shift nurse was even worse than the previous and actually made a comment about no one telling her i was having trouble and then in a stern tone saying ‘great i have 3 to look after now and you know you can not go home until your baby is feeding properly’, as a FTM i was so thrown by this nurse’s lack of compassion and understanding that it made my anxiety over breastfeeding even worse. She did come in to help me a few times but she would just get DD on my breast and then leave without actually giving me any guidance, she also gave me the details of a class/talk that was held every morning with a Lactation Consultant but gave me this after the one for that day had already occurred. At this point i just wanted to go home but understood the need to get DD latching properly. The next night shift nurse i got was nice but basically left me alone, during the night i did get DD to latch although i still had the feeling it wasn’t right. Mr Wonderful, DD and I attended the breastfeeding talk. After the talk they offered assistance to anyone who wanted it so of course i jumped at that but again i was brushed off because i knew how to feed but it just wasn’t working right, i got told to just keep persevering. Because DD latched during the night and because we attended the breastfeeding talk we got to go home YAY.
At home it didn’t get much better until about day 4 at home when she finally started latching everytime.

If you missed Pt.1 here it is –


Our Breastfeeding Journey Pt.1


Before i start telling you my journey i want to say that yes i am a big advocate for breastfeeding but i am not into mumma shaming so as far as i am concerned ‘Fed Is Best’ just do what you have to make sure bubba is fed and healthy.

When i found out i was pregnant the one thing i was determined to do was breastfeed, in my 38 years i had heard so many lines like breastfed babies are smarter but i really didn’t have any facts. Mr Wonderful and I attended Antenatal classes which is where i did find out the facts and they made me even more determined. I won’t bore you with the facts here but if you want some basics here is a link to the World Health Organisation outlining them –

You will find Pt.2 here –

Blog, Lists - Things you need

Baby Products Or Items That Did/ Didn’t Work For Me

When you get pregnant your family and friends will tell you that you need so many things or if you are lucky enough to have a baby shower you will get so many things for you and your baby.

With my limited knowledge i thought it was best to research these things, so i searched the internet for lists – what i would need for hospital, what i would need to take to hospital for bubs, what furniture i need for the babies room, what i need for bathing bubs, what i need for breastfeeding and lists went on and on and just made me more confused.

Mr Wonderful and I moved into our first family home when i was 7 1/2 mths pregnant so we had put off buying baby furniture until then, i don’t recommend this as sometimes items need to be ordered in. We stuck to the basic furniture cot and a change table, the babies room had a massive wardrobe and we already had a set of drawers. A change table was a necessity for me, at 38 i did not want to be bending down all the time to change bubs and even now with DD at 15mths i still use this and consider it money well spent.

After DD was born she went straight into her cot as i did not think a bassinet was essential especially when bubs would grow out of it quite quickly, also i was determined that bubs would be in her own room right from the start as i had heard so many stories of mumma’s struggling to get bubs out of their room.

My minimalistic thinking had left us needing a few things once bubs joined us. I had neglected to think of a nightlight so we did the quick dash to Kmart for that and we also got a lamp so DD did not have to deal with the bright bedroom light shinning on her. The other thing i neglected was where would i be breastfeeding bubs during the night so we went out and got a nice comfy recliner. I chose a recliner rather than a feeding chair so that it would have a purpose after our breastfeeding journey ends.

There is so many bathing aids – baby baths, bath seats, bath nets, wash gloves, head rings to keep water out of their eyes, non slip mats, non slip stickers etc.

After chatting with other mums i decided against getting a baby bath and invested our money in foam mats instead so that i didn’t get sore knees bathing DD in our bathtub. These have worked great, i still use then in the bathroom but will soon be moving them to DD’s outdoor play area.

We were given head rings and wash gloves which i found were not practical. We were also given a bath thermometer which has been a great help for getting both Mr Wonderful and i used to a safe water temperature for DD.

If you are having a baby shower do not buy any of these, you will be gifted plenty. I also suggest going to a baby and toddler expo/ show and getting as many samples as possible. Use all these then decide what works and what you need. I have so many products that i still haven’t used.

The 2 items that have been of no use to us are – baby cotton buds and the booger sucker, i tried both and ended up using a tissue instead for both.

There is a couple of items that have made life a bit easier too – a good thermometer for taking DD’s temperature and a good syringe for oral medications.

Nappies and wipes, again i would suggest getting samples at a baby and toddler expo/show and seeing which you and bubs prefer. You can also go to brand web sites and they often have a section to request samples. I was advised by several people to stock up before bubs arrived but of course i didn’t and honestly it hasn’t really bothered me as between the 2 major supermarket chains they have them on sale about every 2/3 weeks so i rarely pay full price.

I chose to exclusively breastfeed so i didn’t purchase any feeding equipment prior to bubs arrival. After a few weeks i decided that it may be a good idea to express so i purchased a manual breast pump, yes it did the job but it was a slow process that did not produce a lot of milk and sometimes left me sore. I did a bit of research and as a stay at home mumma i could not justify spending the money on an electric pump although all research indicated these are the best, then i discovered the Haakaa and i found this a much easier and cheaper option and it did a better job than the manual breast pump. I also found pouches great for storing milk, food grade zip lock bags will also do the job nicely.

When DD was about 3 mths old (able to hold her head up) i purchased a portable seat similar to a Bumbo, this was a great help as DD could sit on the kitchen bench while i was baking or sit at the table with me when i was eating. It was also great when we took a road trip when DD was 6 mths and just starting solids, we could take it with us and it didn’t take up too much room. It wasn’t until DD was 11 mths old that i finally purchased a high chair as i thought the portable seat was no longer safe for DD with only having a 3 point lap belt.

Again if you are having a baby shower do not buy any toys. We were gifted so many toys, play equipment and mats that i did not need to buy anything and on top of that DD was born 3 weeks before Christmas so we got another load of toys then. I will be honest DD would of been quite happy with only a handful of toys and a play mat. She was too small for her bouncer for a long time and then when she did finally fit we only used it for maybe 1 mth before DD started to lean forward in it and nearly tip it over. We also had a walker that was only used a handful of times because after some research and advice from my Chiropractor i discovered they are very bad for the spine and core muscles. Sensory toys and the play mat were definitely the toys that both DD and I found most useful.

Our baby shower again supplied us with everything we needed for DD’s first few months. We had so many blankets/ wraps of all varieties but because we live in a warmer climate most weren’t used. I was advised by so many people to have lots of clothes and blankets because babies spit up a lot and make a mess of everything but babies grow so quickly that DD out grew a lot of clothes before they even made it onto her so i suggest keeping it to a minimum for the smaller sizes anyway.
The items we did find extremely helpful were mittens to stop her scratching herself, Muslin wraps and sleeping bags/ grow bags.

An added item that i would suggest every mumma go out and get is cloth nappies but not to use as nappies, they have so many purposes – mopping up spills or messes, burping cloths, rolling up and putting into a U shape to stop bubba’s head from lolling to the side, i often placed them under DD when she was sleeping to save washing a whole set of bed linen and they are nice and soft for her, tuck them in under a bib for better coverage, have in the car to use as a change mat, for drying shopping trolleys or i put one under DD when she is in seat of shopping trolley to stop her legs rubbing on trolley and to protect her if trolley is hot from being out in the sun. There are just so many uses and they can be re purposed around the house not for just baby related times.

Feel free to leave comments of items you found useful or useless.